January 18, 2010

Get your recipe published on this blog!

Every Friday, we'll have Friend Fridays where I'll post one of your recipes. Here are the guidelines:
  1. Send a picture either of YOU or your recipe.
  2. It must be your recipe. (Don't use a published recipe. But do know this: If you change amounts or some ingredients, the published recipe becomes YOURS. So it's okay if you use an existing recipe that you altered.) 
  3. Write a conversation starter
  4. Send picture, recipe (in the body of an email, not in an attachment, please), a link to your blog or website, and the conversation starter to my lovely assistant Carla: CARLA2004S@peoplepc.com. 
We'll start posting recipes starting this Friday!

1 comment:

Sandy @ The Scoop on Balance said...

Oh, exciting! I have many wonderful recipes. I'll look through and submit one.
