May 01, 2010

The End of the Feast

Dear, amazing Daily Recipe Readers,

Alas, as I am prone to do, I jumped headlong into something before I thought through my commitments. I love to cook. I love to share food around our table every night. I love to help others cook amazing food. And someday, by God's grace, I'll write that cookbook I've dreamed of writing. All in good time.

But right now, I'm too consumed by my other responsibilities to keep this blog current. I do hope you've enjoyed the four months of recipes we've shared here, and I am sorry I can't keep up the pace. Thank you for entrusting me with your meals!

I'm discontinuing this blog today. A huge thanks to all the Friend Friday folks, to Jane Jarrell and Tim Wade who contributed to this blog. Thanks to George and Ashley Weis at who designed and implemented this blog. They did an amazing job!

And thanks to my family who tastes all my concoctions and experiments. You all bless me every night we share a table.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Will miss it, but understand and support you in the direction you're headed! And believe fully that there is food writing in your future! Much love and blessings!